
About Dr. Rujitha T. R. Shenoy
Dr. Rujitha Shenoy T. R. is presently working as Assistant Professor at National Law University Odisha. She received her PhD from National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam on “Patentability of Genetic technologies and Right to health care.” She is specialised in Intellectual Property Rights and Commercial Laws. She is having more than ten years of teaching experience. Before joining NLU Odisha, Dr. Rujitha has worked at School of Legal Studies, CUSAT for one year in 2011 and as Assistant Professor at Gujarat National Law University for more than three years. Before joining NLUO she was teaching intellectual property laws at the post-graduate level at IUCIPRS, CUSAT for more than two years. .She was also a consultant for Green Peace India Society for research on ‘patents and related laws, with special emphasis on patents on agricultural products’ and recipient of IPR Justice Ayyangar summer fellowship of CUSAT. She has presented papers in national and international conferences and has published in national and international journals.
Singapore Management University, Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law in Asia awarded the Young Asian IP Scholar Award. In 5th Asian IP Works-in-Progress Conference January 2020.
- Ph.D in Law – National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam
- Masters of Law – Cochin University of Science and technology, School of Legal studies
- LLB – Govt. Law College, Ernakulum, Kochi
Scopus / Web-of Science Indexed/UGC listed:
- Role of Patents in Biosimilar Drug Development and Public Interest, journal of scientometric research, vol 9, issue 2 [indialics special issue], May-Aug, 2020 [SCOPUSINDEXED & UGC LISTED]
- Interpretation of Microorganism under TRIPS Agreement, Cochin University Law Review [2011] C.U.L.R,Vol.34, No. 3 &4,sept-Dec, p.338-348.[UGC LISTED]
- International Registration of marks: Madrid Agreement and protocol : A Critique , Cochin University Law Review [2010] C.U.L.R,Vol.34, No. 3 &4,sept-Dec, p.368-383.[UGC LISTED]
- “Assistive Technologies for Disabled and Role of Patent system” in Army institute of Law journal, AIL Journal Vol. IX Issue 16,2016[UGC LISTED]
- Bioinformatics Patents: The challenges, Journal of commercial biotechnology, vol.22 I no.3 july 2016 p.64-78 [UGC LISTED AND SCOPUS INDEXED]
- “Conceptual issues in Biotec patenting Indian Law And Judicial Trends” is Published in Manupatra Intellectual Property Law Reports, MIPR, September, 2009,vol,3;part 1p.130-139.
- A comment on Bayer corporation and ors v. Union of India and ors Delhi High court Published in Manupatra Intellectual Property Law Reports, MIPR, December 2010,vol,3;part 1p.173-179.
- Invalidating stem cells patent: A New dimension in interpreting human embryo, MIPR, December 2011,vol,3;part 3p.137-139.
- “Balancing the interest of generic drug manufacturers vs patented drug manufacturers in journal of legal thought, 2017 p508-518
- Corporate Governance: Issues & Challenges” International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research Vol.1 Issue 12, December 2012, ISSN 2277 3622
Chapter in a Book:
- Seed Patenting:Approach of US, Europe & India” Green Biotechnology, Daya Publishers, New Delhi, 2019
- Access to Biomedical Technologies & Human Rights” in IPR & Human Rights with special emphasis on India, Manoj kumar Sinha & Jupi Gogoi(eds)p.65-88 Indian Law Institute, Delhi 2018
- Protection of Traditional Knowledge Medicine of Ahom Tribes in Assam under IPR Laws in India published by NLU Assam 2019
- “Free Trade Agreements: Impact on pharmaceutical Industries” in the book working of patents Law & Pharmaceutical Implications p. 319-326 Mewar University press, 2015, editor RC Roy.
- Access to Biomedical technologies:Biomedical patents and sustainable developments, 2017)
- Rethinking Biotech patents:Lessons from United States Experience, published by VIT (2016) Raviraj and Rajavenkatesh(eds)
- Copyright Infringment:Wifi Network provider Liable? in the book “Information security Law & Governance” p,351-358 ed. SC Roy, Satyam Law International Publishers, New Delhi 2017
- Seed patenting:Approach of US Europe and India, published by Astral International Pvt. Ltd Publishers, New Delhi in the book titled “Green Biotechnology” 2018.
- P2P lending: Analysing its regulations and intersection with insurance products, FinTech Law and Banking, Dr. Veena, ed. ALT Publications 2022 ISBN -970392347597
- Protection and commercialisation of traditional medicine : A case study of Assam” in INCLUSIVE WEALTH GENERATION THROUGH IP COMMERCIALISATION Jayanta Gosh etal (eds) Routledge Publishers (2024)
International Seminar/Conference Papers
- Invited speaker presented on the topic ”Internet of Thing and Challenges” for the Sixth Annual Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies & Science (GETS) will be held at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law Arizona State University, USA on May 16-18. 2018
- Presented a paper on Anti-competitive practises of Pharma Industries :Lessons to be Learned “ in 5th Asian IP Works-in-Progress Conference 2020 organised by Singapore Management University, Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law in on 9-10th January 2020.
- Presented a paper on Protection of Traditional Knowledge Medicine under IPR Laws in India and GI in Two-Day National Seminar on “Effective Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions: National and Community Experiences”, May 3-4 2019 organised by NLU Assam
- Presented a paper on “Hatch-Waxman Act & BPCIA of United States: Really regulating competition? in Ist IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia conference organised by WTO, WIPO, University of Geneva & International Islamic University of Malaysia at Kualalumpur, Malaysia on 31-2nd February 2019.
- Presented a paper on Myriad gene patent decision and future of biotechnology organised by CNLU, Patna in the National seminar on IPR: Emerging issues and challenges on 23rd september 2018
- Invited speaker for the 1st world conference on “Access to Medical Products and International Laws for Trade and Health, 21-23 November 2017, New Delhi, India organised by WHO & GOI
- Invited speaker presented on the topic” Effectiveness of sec.3(d) of Indian patent Act and participated in the 4th Visionary Intellectual Property Professors conference on Asian Co operation held on April 7-8, 2017 Shangai, China
- Presented a paper on Biological research tool Patenting: Issues and concerns” in Singapore Management University, on February 23-24 2017
- Invited speaker Presented the project on the topic” Effectiveness of sec.3(d) of Indian patent Act University on Round table on visionary IP Professors Asia IP co-operation held in National Taiwan University, Taipei on 30 september-1 October 2016
- Invited speaker presented the project on the topic” Effectiveness of sec.3(d) of Indian patent Act Round table on visionary IP Professors Asia IP co-operation held in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin on 5-6 March, 2016
- Presented a paper on “Access to Assisting Technologies for Disabled Persons: Role of Patent System with special reference to in India’ in the conference on Rethinking Patent culture – Disability, Prosthesis & Patenting organized by University of Leeds, United Kingdom on 18-19th September 2014.
- Invited speaker for the national workshop in Biotechnology and Law organized by school of Legal studies, CUSAT on 12th & 13th jan 2018.
- Invited speaker presented the on the topic “Patentability of pharmaceutical substances and biotechnology inventions : India & US approach ” in the seminar on Challenges to the patentability in pharma sector held in JSS University college of Law & Pharmacy, Mysore, Karnataka,-6 September,18, 2017
- Resource person for the topic “Overview of Trade Mark Act” for District judges of Kerala, India held on 4th December 2015
- Speaker on the topic “Overview of design Law & overlap with other IP” for Refresher course on IPR conducted by Interuniversity of IPR studies, Cochin University of science & Technology from 17th-24 june 2015
- Speaker on the topic “Role of IPR in Biotechnology Industry” for Biotechnopreneur Programme is launched by Entrepreneur Development Institute under the sponsorship of Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM), Govt. of Gujarat Feb 23, 2015
National Seminar/Conference Papers
- Invited speaker on IPR workshop organized by SriSri University, Cuttack, Odisha on 28th January 2019
- Resource person for the 2days Regional workshop on Biodiversity organized by NLUO-NLSIU & UNDP March 4-5 2019
- Invited speaker on the Topic: Human Rights & Environment in a UGC sponsored National seminar on “Human Rights: Concepts, Conflicts & consensus” organised by SN college, Thrissur in collaboration with Calicut University on 23-25 March, 2015.
- Resource person for National Seminar on Access to health care held on 13-15 March 2016.
- Recipient of International Visiting fellowship, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2018
- Recipient of IUCIPRS RajagopalaIyyangar summer fellowship for Law Teachers,2015-2016
- Recipient of Minor research project 2016-2017 on “ Bological research tools Patenting: issues and concerns granted by Inter university centre for IPR studies CUSAT
- Worked as a Consultant for Green Peace India Society for research on “patents and related laws, with special emphasis on patents on agricultural products” 2011.
- Presented on the topic “ Patenting Inventions related to National security/defence: A comparative study” in Trilateral Winter Programme on “National security and defense law : Comparative approaches” by Gujarat National Law University & in collaboration with University Paris Nanterre, Paris and University of Potsdam, Germany on Feb 13-16 2018 at GNLU Gandhinagar
- Presented and participated in the4th VIPP conference on Asian Co operation held on April 7-8, 2017 Shangai, China
- Presented a paper on Biological research tool Patenting: Issues and concerns” in Singapore Management University, on February 23-24 2017
- Presented a paper on “ Stem cell Technologies : Legal and Ethical Issues n International conference on “Immune Response in Health and Disease”organised by ST. Xavier’s college Alwaye on January 24-25th 2017
- Presented a paper on “ Intermediary Liability : Indian and EU Approach” In national seminar on Cyber Laws : Issues and Challenges organised by school of legal studies, CUSAT January 6-7 2017
- Presented a paper on” Drug pricing Mechanism in India : Is it serving public need? N National conference on “Health Care System in India and Human Rights Concerns”held on 05th -9thDecember 2016 on Organised by school of legal studies CUSAT on Dec 2016
- Presented a paper on “Recent Trends n Patenting software n Biomedical Industries” in National seminaron IPR and New age challenges organised by Tamilnadu National Law school on Nov 12th2016
- Presented a paper on “Rethinking biotech patents: Lesson from United States Experience” organised by VIT Law school, july 23rd2016
- Presented a paper on “Balancing the interest of generic drug manufacturers vs patented drug manufacturers: An evaluation” in National seminar on Access to Health Care held on 13-15 March 2016 organised by School of Legal Thought, MahatmaGandhi 2016
- Presented a paper on: “Love to Hate or Hate to Love: Intellectual property & Celebrity Rights” in a National seminar on Social media, Information Technology & IPR organised by Ram ManoharLohiya National Law University Lucknow on 27-28 February 2015.
- Presented a paper on “Access to Assisting Technologies for Disabled Persons: Role of Patent System with special reference to in India’ in the conference on Rethinking Patent culture – Disability, Prosthesis & Patenting organized by University of Leeds, United Kingdom on 18-19th September 2014.
- Presented a paper on “TRIPS Flexibilities& Public Interest: Impact of Free Trade Agreements” in the Two Days International Conference on International law and Intellectual property laws (22-23 March, 2014)organized by Faculty of Law, Delhi University
- Presented a paper on “Education & Library exception under Indian Copyright Act: An analysis in Technical conference cum workshop on Digital Library using space on march 21-23,2014 Gujarat National law university
- Presented a paper on “Intellectual Property Trade & Development: A perspective of Developing County in the; light of RTA’s & FTA’s” in National Seminar on ‘Trade & Development’ organised by School of Economics, Devi AhaliyaVishwavidyalaya on 7-8 February,2014
- A paper was presented on “Kerala Conservation Of Paddy Land And Wet Land Act: An Analysis” in the National Seminar on Conservation of Paddy Lands & Wet lands in Kerala: The socio legal perspectives held at school of Legal Studies, CUSAT, on 18th & 19th December 2009
- A paper was presented on “Right To Life And Employment “in the National Conference on Right To Life & Social Development” organised by Dyuti, Rajagiri college of Social Science, kalamassery, on 7-9 December, 2009.
- A paper was presented on “Ecological Impact Of GMO’s And Human Rights” in the National Seminar on Human Rights : Theory And Praxis ,sponsored by UGC & MG University held on 22&23 October,2009,Organised by Dept of Economics St Berchmans College Changanassery, Kerala.
- A paper was presented on “Database Protection In Bioinformatics And Human Rights” in the National Seminar on Human Rights Conducted by the Department of Law, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, on 20-22 August,2009.
- A paper was presented on “Patenting Of Life Forms & TRIPS” in the National Seminar on ” TRIPS And Globalisation: Legal Frame Work And Changes “sponsored by UGC & organized by Maharaja’s Government Law College, Ernakulam, from 12-14 March,2009.
- A paper was presented on “Public health concern and TRIPS” in National Seminar on “Right to health care” held at school of Legal Studies, CUSAT, on 26th & 27 th March 2010.
- A paper was presented on “Yashpal Committee Report : A Review” in National Seminar on “Reforms in Legal Education: Global Challenges or National Demands” held at school of Legal Studies, CUSAT, on 19th & 20th March 2010.
- A paper was presented on “Patenting Genetically modified organisms: Some issues and concerns” in National Seminar on “Genetically Modified Organism” held at school of Legal Studies, CUSAT, on 12th & 13th March 2011.
- A paper was presented on “Rethinking Patent System and Protection of Traditional Knowledge” in National Seminar on ” Emerging Trends in IPR” held at Madras University, on October 6-8,2011.
- A paper was presented on “Conceptual issues in bioinformatics patents” in International Conference on “Bioinformatics and systems biology” held at Annamalai University, on Feb.16-18, 2012.
- A paper was submitted on “Corporate Governance: Issues & Challenges” in International Conference On “Contemporary innovative practices in Management” held at Pacific University Udaipur on 13-14 April 2012
- A paper was presented on” Rethinking Biotech patents: Lessons from United States Experience, in national seminar on Law science and Technology held on 23rdjuly 2016 at Vellore Institute of technology, School of Law, Chennai campus.
- Presented a paper on “Gene patenting Post Myriad case scenario” in National conference on IPR problems & Prospects at Govt, Law college Trivandrum held on 11 & 12th Jan 2018.
- Presented a paper on “Witnesses turning Victims in the Criminal Justice Delivery System:” ” in HUMAN RIGHTS & CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM IN CONTEMPORARY WORLD” Organized by Sharda University school of Law on Thursday- Saturday, 11th -13th November 2021.
- Presented a paper on “Patenting Gene editing technology social and legal challenges in International Conference on IPR entrepreneurship on Law science and Technology held on 7-8 April 2022 at Bhubaneswar, Birla Global Law School.
- Presented a paper on Role of judiciary in witness protection A critical Analysis ina Virtual Conference on Criminal Law and Policy held on April4-5 2023 organized by NMIMS, Hyderabad.
- Presented a paper on “ Impact of IPR on Agriculture’ international conference organised by UUCIPRS, CUSAT on 1-2 March 2024.
- Presented a paper on Rohingya Refugees whose Human rights to be Protected in the International Conference titled “Displacement Justice: Global Challenges, Issues, and Strategies” at Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Siliguri on 13th and 14th April 2024