“India Justice Report 2019: Where Odisha stands A discussion on the capacity of the justice system to deliver”.

“India Justice Report 2019: Where Odisha stands A discussion on the capacity of the justice system to deliver”.

“India Justice Report 2019: Where Odisha stands A discussion on the capacity of the justice system to deliver”.


National Law University Odisha is organising a Webinar in collaboration with Tata Trusts on “India Justice Report 2019: Where Odisha stands” on 23rd May 2020 at 11:00 am.

The panelists in the Webinar will include Ms. Maja Daruwala, Senior Advisor, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative and the Chief Editor of this report, Prof. Vijay Raghavan, TISS and Umi Daniel, Director, Aide et Action, and Dhirendra Panda (his designation) and other experts.

The Webinar will be conducted through Zoom platform.